UVA 437 The Tower of Babylon 题解(DAG上的DP+神奇的数组索引设置) UVA-437 (DAG最长路算法)The Tower of Babylon
巴比伦塔 [美]特德.奇昂著 严道丽译 一 如果把塔放倒在希拉平原上,从这端到那端,将要走上整整两天时间。当塔矗立着朝向天空时,从地面爬上顶端,将花去一个半月时间──如果这个攀登者没有额外负担的话。而实际情形是,很少有人可以徒手攀登。绝大多数的人身后都拖着一辆装满砖块的木质小车,于是,攀登的速度自然...
UVA437 巴比伦塔 The Tower of Babylon UVA437 巴比伦塔 The Tower of Babylon 题面翻译 题目描述 你可能已经听说过巴比伦塔的传说。现在这个传说的许多细节已经被遗忘。所以本着本场比赛的教育性质,我们现在会告诉你整个传说: 巴比伦人有 种长方形方块,每种有无限个,第 种方块的三边边长是 。对于每一个方块,你...
题解UVA437 【巴比伦塔 The Tower of Babylon】 这题其实有 O(nlogn)O(nlogn) 的做法。首先,如果一个砖块可以压在另一个砖块上面只要满足长边比另一个砖块的长边小,短边也比另一个砖块的短边小,这是非常显然的。写成式子:如果这个砖块宽和长分别为 kx,ky(kx<ky)kx,ky(kx<ky),另一个...
这题就是让你求最长路 输入方块,有三种摆放方式,默认为x是长,y是宽,于是衍生出存边操作(n已经扩大到它的三倍) for(reinti=1,x,y,z; i<=n; i+=3) {read(x);read(y);read(z); cnt[i].add(max(x,y),min(x,y),z); cnt[i+1].add(max(x,z),min(x,z),y); ...
UVA437 巴比伦塔 The Tower of Babylon 题解 这题其实有\(O(n \log n)\) 的做法。 首先,如果一个砖块可以压在另一个砖块上面只要满足长边比另一个砖块的长边小,短边也比另一个砖块的短边小,这是非常显然的。写成式子:如果这个砖块宽和长分别为\(kx,ky(kx<ky)\),另一个砖块宽和长分别为\...
12Tower of Babylon Were the tower to be laid down across the plain of Shinar, it would be two days’journey to walk from one end to the other. While the tower stands, it takes a full month and a half to climb from its base to its summit, if a man walks unburdened. But few ...
TedChiang[TowerofBabylon]特德姜巴比伦塔.pdf,12Tower o Babylon 12Tower o Babylon Were the tower to be laid down across the plain o Shinar, it would be t’ wjoo udrnaeyys to walk Were the tower to be laid down across the plain o Shinar, it would be t’ wjo
12Tower of Babylon Were the tower to be laid down across the plain of Shinar, it would be two days ’ journey to walk from one end to the other. While the tower stands, it takes a full month and a half to climb from its base to its summit, ifa man walks
有人有特德姜《巴比伦塔》的原文吗?~ 想读Tower of Babylon这篇作品的原文很久了..网上只找到了72 letters,Hell Is The Absence of God,Sto...