1、巫觋,汉语词语,拼音是wū xí,意思是指古代称女巫为巫,男巫为觋,合称“巫觋”。2、民俗学中的巫觋:人类刚刚有信仰时,还没有专门的执事人,当时人大多都会施巫,随着氏族的出现,信仰活动的增加,氏族长才较多承担宗教事务,后来连氏族长也难以监管了,才出现了专门的巫。《说文》:“觋,能...
巫觋wū xí 基本释义: 基本解释 古代称女巫为巫,男巫为觋,合称“巫覡”。后亦泛指以装神弄鬼替人祈祷为职业的巫师。《荀子·正论》:“出户而巫覡有事。” 杨倞 注:“女曰巫,男曰覡。”汉 王符 《潜夫论·巫列》:“巫覡祝请亦其助也。”《新唐书·黎干传》:“时大旱, 干 造土龙,自与巫覡对舞,弥月...
说明:双击或选中下面任意单词,将显示该词的音标、读音、翻译等;选中中文或多个词,将显示翻译。 1) witch[英][wɪtʃ] [美][wɪtʃ] 巫觋 1. We think that signs of Fuhao and decorative pattern like dragon and tiger were regarded as havingwitchcraft function by ancient people and become ...
巫觋 1. We think that signs of Fuhao and decorative pattern like dragon and tiger were regarded as havingwitchcraft function by ancient people and become important symbol of sacrificial utensil. 一般认为,殷墟五号墓的墓主是商王武丁的法定配偶"妇好",所以又称为"妇好墓",本文通过对"妇好墓"位置、墓...
巫觋 1. We think that signs of Fuhao and decorative pattern like dragon and tiger were regarded as havingwitchcraft function by ancient people and become important symbol of sacrificial utensil. 一般认为,殷墟五号墓的墓主是商王武丁的法定配偶"妇好",所以又称为"妇好墓",本文通过对"妇好墓"位置、墓...
巫觋 1. We think that signs of Fuhao and decorative pattern like dragon and tiger were regarded as having witchcraft function by ancient people and become important symbol of sacrificial utensil. 一般认为,殷墟五号墓的墓主是商王武丁的法定配偶"妇好",所以又称为"妇好墓",本文通过对"妇好墓"位置、...
巫觋 1. We think that signs of Fuhao and decorative pattern like dragon and tiger were regarded as having witchcraft function by ancient people and become important symbol of sacrificial utensil. 一般认为,殷墟五号墓的墓主是商王武丁的法定配偶"妇好",所以又称为"妇好墓",本文通过对"妇好墓"位置、...