Hayley教口语,“...左右”用英语怎么说? or so We use this expression to indicate an approximate number. 我们用这个短语来表示一个大概值。 We will have to wait a week or so before we know whether the operation is a success. 我们还得等一...
基础英语口语:“左上角”“右上角”“左右下角”的表达 基础英语⼝语:“左上⾓”“右上⾓”“左右下⾓”的表达 只要我们学习过⾼中英语以上,我们最“⽿熟能详”的表达“位置”的英语有:1. middle:The boy is standing in the middle of the line.在队伍的中间位置。2. center:She was ...
“spend money left and right”不是指“左右都要花钱”大家好,今天我们看美剧片段,分享一个非常有用且地道的表达——spend money left and right, 这个短语的含义不是指“左右都要花钱”,其正确的含义是:spend money left and right 到处都花钱 美剧里是这么说的:I've been going through your ...
【翻译】我有一点左右为难,因为我既想和Gloria过二人世界,又想揉揉Manny的头,求得好的赌运。 【适用场合】 英文当中be torn betweensth. and sth. 指的是面临相反的选择,不知如何是好;选择恐惧; beunable to decide or choose between two things 或者be in a dilemma 处在两难的境地 其实蛮好理解的,tear...
1. Do you enjoy traveling? Why?2. Everyone appreciates the opportunity to embark on a memorable journey, and I am no exception.3. During every holiday, I make plans to journey to a new place with my friends. I have often pondered why I am so fond of traveling. I believe...
to be in a very difficult situation and to have to make a hard decision 进退两难,左右为难 I'd like to help you but I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. 我也很想帮助你,可我的处境也让我很为难!
是的,可是她丈夫一直在左右逢源。 A: The situation isn’t easy to handle. 这不容易处理。 B: Sure. 是啊! 第二, 地道表达 butter one’s bread on both sides 1. 解词释义 Butter one’s bread on both sides的字面意思是“把面包两面都涂上黄油”,比喻为“左右逢源,同时收双方之利”之意。 2. ...
左右为难的英文: [Literal Meaning] left/right/become/difficult neither leftwards nor rightwards [解释] 左也不好,右也不是。形容无论怎样做都有难处。 [Explanation] in a dilemma [例子] 如果你坚持不出席开幕式,这会让我们左右为难的。 [Example] ...
by:英语口语talks 107.5万 日常英语口语 by:海贝少儿英语 1.2万 日常英语口语 by:教书匠MrHuang 632 日常英语口语 by:英语乐园 897 日常英语口语 by:Healthcare自主学习力 19.9万 英语口语 日常生活用语复习 by:思远读书 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 ...
真叫人左右为难啊——你不成功就没人想支持你,可是没有人支持,你哪天才能成功呢? 四级口语第三,语汇积累 earn money:挣钱 e.g . A man has a duty to earn money for his family. 男人有挣钱养家的责任。 e.g. Here he would give violin concerts and earn money to buy food and clothes. ...