除此,工作也为我们提供一个展现自我的平台,在工作中不断积累经验和拓宽视野,提高自己的工作效率和人际交往能力。 In life, no matter for any, also no matter is in under any condition, we all must work.Not only the work can provide the material base and the economic basis to us which basic ...
I am a character a wide range of boys. Me appearance, work actively. Motivated and I'm a practical person in your life. My hobbies are broad, curious about knowledge, knowledge base in my mind like a grocery store, know something about everything, but not all understand very well. ...
论华为是如何让控制中心的媒体控件工作的? 今天闲得无聊翻鸿蒙系统的 /system/ 分区,发现了一个有意思的东西。 在/system/emui/base/thirdappfilter/ 下 有一个文件叫:third_app_filter.xml(图一) 里面记录了会被华为媒体控制中心接管媒体通知的应用以及最低版本号。