Shanxiagedvinegar山西老陈醋 Doyouknowhowtogetit?Productionstaffwillbetherawmaterialinthemixing,fermentation Selectionofhigh-qualitysorghum,barley,peasandcorn Products •ShanxiagedvinegarisoneofChina'sfourfamousvinegar,ithasbeen3000yearsofhistory,knownas"thebestinallthelandofvinegar"reputation,incolor,fragrance,...
Shanxi aged vinegar 山西老陈醋China's Time-Honored BrandChina s Time Honored Brand
山西老陈醋是山西省的地方传统名产,属于中国四大名醋之一,它的生产至今已有3000余年的历史,素有“天下第一醋”的盛誉。Shanxi aged vinegar is a traditional product of place in Shanxi Province, Chinese belongs to one of the four famous vinegar, its production has been 3000 years of histo...
1)Shanxi overmature vinegar山西老陈醋 1.9 strains of high alcohol-producing or high ethyl acetate-producing yeasts were isolated from koji of Shanxi overmature vinegar at different temperatures.通过对山西老陈醋大曲的富集培养,筛选到9株高产乙醇或高产乙酸乙酯的酵母菌功能菌株,分别挑选高产乙醇和乙酸乙酯的...
Shanxi aged vinegar 山西老陈醋 Chinas Time-Honored brand How much do you know the shanxi province? 功速园 Shanxi coal boss? Shanxi aged 山西煤老板? vInegar 山西老陈醋 Do you know how to get it? Produ aterial in election of high-quality ghum, barley, peas and corn Products Shanxi aged ...
关于山西老陈醋的英语作文Nestled in the heart of China, Shanxi province is renowned for its rich history and profound cultural heritage. Among its many treasures, one stands out as a culinary masterpiece - the venerable Chen vinegar, a testament to the province's ancient brewing traditions. This...
论文 > 文学论文 > 剪不断家乡情——山西老陈醋英文介绍 打印 转格式 856阅读文档大小:1.0M6页xbe0667上传于2017-05-06格式:PPT
【孔夫子旧书网】美和居(中英文对照 介绍山西美和居老陈醋)。作者:山西美和居老醋坊有限公司,出版社:山西美和居老醋坊有限公司,售价:12,出版人:山西美和居老醋坊有限公司,年代:,装帧:3,线装:16开,刻印方式:精装,册数:
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