做法: 1.将小仔鸡洗净,剁成小块; 2.将蘑菇用温水泡30分钟,洗净待用; 3.坐锅烧热,放入少量油,待油热后放入鸡块翻炒,至鸡肉变色放入葱、姜、大料、干红辣椒、盐、酱油、糖、料酒,将颜色炒匀,加入适量水炖十分钟左右后倒入蘑菇,中火炖三四十分钟即成。 The chick stews to pester host material: Young ch...
ginger 5 (about 15 grams), 10 g red pepper, aniseed 3, 4 tbsp soy sauce (about 60ml) , 2 tablespoons cooking wine (about 30ml), salt to taste, sugar 5 grams of water, 2 tablespoons cooking oil (about 30ml)Practices
Chicken stew mushroom, which is a Northeastern dishes, that is, dry mushrooms, chicken and vermicelli with stew crafted. This dish is a stew type the Northeast, particularly Ruannen long-stewed chicken, mushrooms delicious lovers, vermicelli smooth fragrant, especially suitable for winter...
做法:1.将小仔鸡洗净,剁成小块;2.将蘑菇用温水泡30分钟,洗净待用;3.坐锅烧热,放入少量油,待油热后放入鸡块翻炒,至鸡肉变色放入葱、姜、大料、干红辣椒、盐、酱油、糖、料酒,将颜色炒匀,加入适量水炖十分钟左右后倒入蘑菇,中火炖三四十分钟即成。The chick stews to pester host ...