小红书商标授权函模板授权函 本单位□/自然人□(授权人)XXXX授权XXXXX(被授权单位名称)使用以下信息: 授权类型 名称 备案登记号 品牌(商标) 应用(软件著作权) 网站(icp备案) 本授权人知晓并同意,独家授权被授权方在“xxx”开通账号并使用该商标/应用/网站/作为账号名称进行认证,同时负责该账号涉及相关业务的内容...
模版-品牌方开具的入驻申请书: Letter of Application 商家入驻申请书 That, effective as of [date of signing], [brand owner], corporate entity existing under the laws of [country], the authentic and l…
小红书品牌商授权书模板一 that, effective as of [date of signing], [brand owner], corporate entity existing under the laws of [country], the authentic and lawful holder of [brand], hereby nominates, appoints and authorizes [distributor], as true and lawful distributor with authority to sell, ...