Your device is corrupt.It can't be trusted and may not work properly.Press power botton to continue.Or,device will power off in 5s.这次更新系统用了快一个小时才开机这怎么办啊2021-08-11· 来自小米社区 · 浏览 1.4万+ 全部评论 13 热门 最新 丶半梦 Xiaomi 14 · OS1. 开发...
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Your device is corrupt.It can't be trusted any may not work properly.Press power button to continue.or device will power off in 5s.*/的字样,无法进入recovery,只能进入fastboot请大神指教。。。2020-12-09· 来自小米社区 · 浏览 1.4万+ 全部评论 25 热门 最新 番茄熊猫 Redmi K30 至尊纪念版 我...
Your device is corrupt.It can't be trusted any may not work properly.Press power button to continue.or device will power off in 5s.*/的字样,无法进入recovery,只能进入fastboot请大神指教。。。2020-12-09· 来自小米社区 · 浏览 1.4万+ 全部评论 25 热门 最新 番茄熊猫 Redmi K30 至尊纪念版 我...