以下是关于小提琴的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。 高分英语作文1:violin Violinist: violinist: the violin is not in harmony with the piano. He plays the violin for fun. The tone of the violin is very beautiful. The curvature of the violin is very poor. The bow of the bow is ...
小提琴的英语介绍 Theviolin,alsoknownasafiddle,isastringedmusicalinstrumentthatisplayedwithaboworpluckedwiththefingers.Theviolinhasalongandrichhistory,datingbacktothe16thcenturyinItaly.Theviolintypicallyhasfourstringstunedinperfectfifths,andisplayedbyplacingthelefthandonthefingerboardtochangethepitchofthenotes,while...
@百度文库满分作文介绍小提琴作文100词带翻译英文 百度文库满分作文 小提琴:优雅的旋律制造者 小提琴,这一古典乐器的瑰宝,以其优雅的形态和动人的音色深受人们喜爱。它有四根弦,通过弓的拉动,能发出清脆悦耳的声音。小提琴家们用精湛的技艺,将复杂的乐曲演绎得淋漓尽致,让人仿佛置身于音乐的海洋。无论是独奏还是合...
关于小提琴的简介(英文的)200词左右,不要太难. 答案 Theviolinisabowedstringinstrumentwithfourstringstunedinperfectfifths.Itisthesmallestandhighest-pitchedmemberoftheviolinfamilyofstringinstruments,whichalsoincludestheviolaandcello. Aviolinissometimesinformallycalledafiddle,nomatterwhatkindofmusicisplayedonit.The...
Violin is widely spread in the world, is the modern orchestra, , the most important instrument in a string group. It occupies a very important instrumental in the location of the pillars of the modern symphony orchestra, but also with the difficulty of the solo instrument playing ...
The violin is a bowed string instrument with four strings tuned in perfect fifths. It is the smallest and highest-pitched member of the violin family of string instruments, which also includes the viola and cello.A violin is sometimes informally called a fiddle, no matter what kind...
小提琴介绍英文ppt “TheQueenoftheMusicalInstruments”Obersattel(琴枕)Headstock(琴头)String(琴弦)Fingerboard(指板)Steg(琴马)F.L’o’cher(f孔)Chinrest(腮托)Saitenhalter(拉弦板)Violinbow (琴弓)Alongwoodenrod.Bemadeofhorsehair.Lookslikeabow.Violinisamodernorchestra(管弦乐队).Violinisakindofinstrumentina...
描写小提琴的外形的英语句子 1. the Dark piano surface and milky keys reflect soft and dazzling light waves in the faint shadow of the sun. It seems to be a goddess of music descending from the art hall surrounded by auspicious clouds. 2. what a beautiful accordion: the red body, the ...