小学英语看图写话作文 篇一 英文作文: Look at this picture. There are two little kids in the park. One is a boy named Tom and the other is a girl called Lily. Tom has short brown hair and big bright eyes. He's wearing a blue Tshirt and green shorts. Lily has long blond hair and...
作文,英语,看图,小学篇一:英语看图作文 Today the quality of our natural environment has become an important issue. The world population is rising so quickly that the world has become too crowded.今天,我们的自然环境质量已经成为一个重要问题。世界人口增长如此之快,世界已变得过于拥挤。We are using ...
Summer night, the sky of stars flash, like the eyes of children. Beautiful fireflies are dancing in the flowers. Grandpa, grandma and Dingding are in their yard. Grandpa points to the Big Dipper star and tells Ding the story of "cattle L á n ɡ and Weaver Girl". You see, how seriou...
他走着走着,突然一抬头,看见前面的牌子上写着:“保护环境,讲究卫生”八个大字。小明想:刚才 不应该把香蕉皮扔到地上。。。于是,他连忙走回去,弯下腰把香蕉皮检起来,扔到路边的果皮箱里。“我以后一定注意不要乱丢垃圾!”小明暗暗下定了决心。查看全部上一篇...
小学英语作文指导:看图写话类 Uncle Bill’s Day (比尔叔叔的一天) 看图写作文 下面是Uncle Bill工作日中的部分生活场景活动剪影,请你依据图片和汉语提示用几句话写一写他的一天。 参考词汇: subway地铁 after lunch午饭后 newspaper看报纸 go home 回家 every day 每一天 watches TV看电视 ...
小学看图写话英语作文 As a young student, I remember the excitement and joy of doing "看图写话" (kàn tú xiě huà) or "picture composition" in my Chinese language class. 在我的小学时代,记得在语文课上做“看图写话”时感到兴奋和快乐。 The teacher would hand out a picture and ask us to...
小学六年级英语作文看图写话端午节 全文共6篇示例,供读者参考 篇1 Dragon Boat Festival Fun! Yay, it was Dragon Boat Festival again! This is one of my favorite holidays. I love eating all the delicious food and watching the exciting dragon boat races. Let me tell you all about the fun ...
小学英语看图写话 ISBN编号 9787576504903 适用学龄段 小学三年级 出版社名称 上海元远教育 科目 图书 是否是套装 是 作者 无 图文详情 0 本店推荐 金融伴我成长(小学生读本) 北京银保监 文教 文教学生读物 金融 新华书店正版图书籍中国金融出版社 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#Ojo6OjdjoGNUaCZnnG8ravxsMltqbdlaC28...
从那以后,我对英语越来越感兴趣。我认为吴老师是一个好老师,我真的很感激她的帮助。 小作者喜欢自己的老师,并通过一个很鲜活的例子,说明了喜欢老师的原因。 小学三年级英语作文:我的爸爸妈妈(双语) 编辑点评:小朋友们都有自己的爸爸妈妈,你们了解他们吗?他们有什么爱好?他们对你的要求严格吗?今天的小作者分别向...
In autumn, Xiao Hong plays in Phoenix Square. There is a rockery at the back of the square. The trees on the mountain grow luxuriantly. The dressed mountain looks like wearing a yellow robe. 近处还有用石头雕刻的各种石像。不过,最迷人的还是那几束菊花,菊花开得正艳。花朵有的向四面八方伸展...