我对手机的看法作文 英文回答: I have a love-hate relationship with my phone. On one hand, it's incredibly convenient. I can stay connected with friends and family, access information at my fingertips, and even order food with just a few taps. However, on the other hand, it can be a...
我对手机的看法作文 英文回答: In my opinion, a mobile phone is an essential device in today's modern world. It has become a necessity for communication, entertainment, and even business purposes. Firstly, a mobile phone allows me to stay connected with my family and friends no matter where ...
第一范文网:手机方便了我们的生活,但是也带来了不好的影响,下面我们一起看看这篇《对手机的看法》。 手机成了现在每个人都离不开的东西,今天我们聊聊手机吧。 手机的好处有很多,如:你想玩儿王者荣耀的游戏,在游戏中心能找到并下载就可以玩了;父母想发一条短信,在微信发短信;还可以用美团外卖订餐;买东西时不用...
首先,我得和爸爸聊一聊长时间看手机的坏处,然后每天约定只能看三十分钟。对了,拿个计时器就可以提醒他遵守时间了。最后还有一个想法那就是不遵守就罚款!每当超过一分钟就罚10元钱,可以用来给我买最喜欢的泡泡糖,还有很好玩的乐高…… 希望爸爸看到我的作文和...