宏平均(macro-average)和微平均(micro-average)是衡量文本分类器的指标。 根据Coping with the News: the machine learning way When dealing with multiple classes there are two possible ways of averaging these measures(i.e. recall, precision, F1-measure) , namely, macro-average and micro-average. The...
根据 Coping with the News: the machine learning way When dealing with multiple classes there are two possible ways of averaging these measures(i.e. recall, precision, F1-measure) , namely, m acro-average and m icro-average. The macro-average weights equally all the classes, regar... ...
宏平均(macro-average)和微平均(micro-average)是衡量文本分类器的指标。 根据Coping with the News: the machine learning way When dealing with multiple classes there are two possible ways of averaging these measures(i.e. recall, precision, F1-measure) , namely, macro-average and micro-average. The...
宏平均(macro-average)和微平均(micro-average)是衡量文本分类器的指标。 根据Coping with the News: the machine learning way When dealing with multiple classes there are two possible ways of averaging these measures(i.e. recall, precision, F1-measure) , namely, macro-average and ...
宏平均(macro-average)和微平均(micro-average)是衡量⽂本分类器的指标。根据Coping with the News: the machine learning way When dealing with multiple classes there are two possible ways of averaging these measures(i.e. recall, precision, F1-measure) , namely, macro-average and micro-average....
宏平均(macro-average)和微平均(micro-average)是衡量文本分类器的指标。根据Copingwiththe News:themachinelearningway Whendealingwithmultipleclassestherearetwopossiblewaysofaveragingthese measures(i.e.recall,precision,F1-measure),namely,macro-averageand ...