介绍如何源码安装ros1_bridge 步骤: 安装ros2 foxy,参考教程 路径为:~/ros2_foxy/src 安装ros1 noetic,参考教程 路径为:/opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash 新建目录 mkdir -p ~/colcon_ws/src cd ~/colcon_ws/src git clone https://github.com/ros2/ros1_bridge 暂时不能加载ros1的工作空间,编译 colco...
安装ros1转换bridge 1sudo apt update2sudo apt install ros-foxy-ros1-bridge 3.ROS1和ROS2混合配置 1sudo gedit ~/.bashrc 打开.bashrc文本文件后在末尾加上如下代码,完成环境变量设置。 1#source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash2echo"ros noetic(1) or ros2 foxy(2)?"3read edition4if["$edition"-eq"...
实验1:运行bridge和示例talker和listener 实验步骤: ①启动ROS 1 ②启动bridge ③启动talker ④启动listener 实验2:运行bridge并交换图像 实验步骤: ①启动ROS 1 ②启动bridge ③启动ROS1 GUI ④启动启动ROS2图像发布器 可以看到 ROS2捕获的图像可以经过ros1_bridge传输给ROS1并由GUI显示出来 实验3:运行AddTwoInts...
安装ros1转换bridge sudo apt update sudo apt install ros-foxy-ros1-bridge ROS1和ROS2混合配置 sudo gedit ~/.bashrc 打开.bashrc文本文件后在末尾加上如下代码,完成环境变量设置。 #source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash echo "ros noetic(1) or ros2 foxy(2)?" read edition if [ "$edition" -eq...
安装ROS1转换bridge sudo apt install ros-foxy-ros1-bridge 配置环境变量 echo"source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash">> ~/.bashrc ROS1和ROS2的混合配置 # zshecho"ros noetic (1) or ros2 foxy (2)?"readeditionif["$edition"-eq"1"];thensource/opt/ros/noetic/setup.zshsource$HOME/catkin_ws/devel...
deb-src https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ubuntu/ bionic-proposed main restricted universe multiverse 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1. ROS1安装 添加sources.list(设置你的电脑可以从 packages.ros.org 接收软件.) ...
Created 2 to 1 bridge for service /clear Created 2 to 1 bridge for service /reset created 2to1 bridge for topic '/turtle1/cmd_vel' with ROS 2 type 'geometry_msgs/Twist' and ROS 1 type '' [INFO] [ros1_bridge]: Passing message from ROS 2 ROS2_T to ROS 1 ROS1_T (showing msg...
图像可以通过ros_ign_bridge或ROS ros_ign_image发布。 使用图像桥接(单向,使用image_transport): ros2 launch ros_ign_gazebo_demos image_bridge.launch.py 1. 使用常规桥接: ros2 launch ros_ign_gazebo_demos camera.launch.py 1. 差速机器人
为了方便学习教程,你需要一个ROBOT_moveit_config功能包。默认例子的机器人是来自Franka Emika公司的Panda 机械臂。安装步骤如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 $ cd ~/<your workspace>/src $ git clone https://github.com/ros-planning/moveit_tutorials.git -b melodic-devel ...