她的演讲十分精彩而且语言风格极具魅力,个人认为可以反复学习,增强语言功底,演讲视频大家很容易就能搜到。 安妮·海瑟薇联合国演讲稿中英文+重点单词注释 Thank you so much for those words. President of the General Assembly, United Nations, UN Deputy Secretary-General, Executive Director, UN Women,Distinguish...
general assembly 全体大会 general assembly,united Nations 联合国大会 distinguished lady and gentleman 尊敬的各位来宾 audition 面试;听觉 surface 走出地铁 over time 久而久之;慢慢地; boarding the plane 坐飞机 How meaningful that seemingly small lesson has been. 毫不起眼的课却意义非凡。 indescribable ...
One in four American women go back to work two weeks after giving birth because they can’t afford to take any more time off than that. 希望这段演讲稿能帮助您更好地理解安妮·海瑟薇在联合国所传达的信息。
《安妮海瑟薇联合国演讲中英文演讲稿》读后感 1 After watching Anne Hathaway's speech at the United Nations, I was deeply moved. Her words were powerful and thought-provoking. She spoke about important issues such as environmental protection and the responsibility of public figures. In her speech, ...
安妮海瑟薇联合国演讲稿 一、引言 安妮海瑟薇对联合国的感慨和期望 二、人类面临的挑战 1. 全球气候变化 • 气候变化对地球的影响 • 气候变化的根本原因 • 采取行动的迫切性和重要性 2. 贫困和饥饿问题 • 全球范围内的贫困状况 • 饥饿问题的复杂性和紧迫性 • 实施可持续发展目标以解决贫困和饥饿...
【51Talk-联合国演讲稿】安妮_海瑟薇2017年国际妇女节在联合国的演讲(中英).pdf,安妮·海瑟薇2017 年国际妇女节在联合国的演讲 安妮·海瑟薇,作为联合国妇女亲善大使 (UN Women goodwill ambassador) ,亮相 联合国三·八妇女节活动,为女性发声,身为人母的海瑟薇呼吁美国
安妮·海瑟薇2017年国际妇女节在联合国的演讲 安妮·海瑟薇,作为联合国妇女亲善大使(UN Women goodwill ambassador),亮相联合国三·八妇女节活动,为女性发声,身为人母的海瑟薇呼吁美国给予女性带薪产假,同时也给男性放产假的机会。 President of the General Assembly, United Nations, UN Deputy Secretary-General, ...