学术综合英语课后答案1-8单元U1 Text A (1) Contrary to what they predicted,the disease broke out and killed thousands of people. 与他们的预测相反,病情爆发并且夺去了数千人的生命。 (2) Without receiving her reply as scheduled he regarded it as implicit acceptance. 没有如期收到她的回复,他认为...
学术综合英语课后答案1-8单元.docx,U1 Text A Contrary to what they predicted,the disease broke out and killed thousands of people. 与他们的预测相反,病情爆发并且夺去了数千人的生命。 Without receiving her reply as scheduled he regarded it as implicit accept
学术综合英语课后答案1-8单元U1 Text A (1) Contrary to what they predicted,the disease broke out and killed thousands of people. 与他们的预测相反,病情爆发并且夺去了数千人的生命。 (2) Without receiving her reply as scheduled he regarded it as implicit acceptance. 没有如期收到她的回复,他认为...
学术综合英语课后答案1-8单元1.docx,U1 Text A Contraryto what they predicted,thddeiseasebrokeout and killed thousandoos f people. 与他们的预测相反,病情爆发并且夺去了数千人的生命。 Withoutreceivingher reply as scheduledhe regardedit as implicit acceptance.
学术综合英语课后答案1-8单元U1 TextA (1) Contrary to what they predicted,the disease broke out and killed thousands of people. 与他们的预测相反,病情爆发并且夺去了数千人的生命。 (2) Without receiving her reply as scheduled he regarded it as implicit acceptance. 没有如期收到她的回复,他认为她...
学术综合英语课后答案1-8单元 U1 Text A (1) Contrary to what they predicted,the disease broke out and killed thousands of people. 与他们的预测相反,病情爆发并且夺去了数千人的生命。 (2) Without receiving her reply as scheduled he regarded it as implicit acceptance. 没有如期收到她的回复,他认...
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