期刊名PLANT CELL出版年2018卷期30(4)所在页796-814研究生论文300**00任海丽学位论文300**00含有miRNA156作用位点的小麦TaSPL家族基因克隆学位授予单位300**00中国农业大学学位授予年度300**002008夏所属单位所属单位农学与生物技术学院植物遗传育种系研究生论文300**00钟伶桃学位论文300**00小麦膨胀素基因的克隆及...
- 《Theoretical and Applied Genetics: International Journal of Breeding Research and Cell Genetics》 - 被引量: 0 收藏相关文章 Dissection of two quantitative trait loci with pleiotropic effects on plant height and spike length linked in coupling phase on the short arm of chromosome 2D of common wh...
Genome-wide Mapping of Targets of Maize Histone Deacetylase HDA101 Reveals Its Function and Regulatory Mechanism during Seed Development Plant Cell SCI 2016 Yang Hua China Agricultural University Wheat TaGAMyb Transcription Factor Recruits Histone Acetyltransferase GCN5 and Activates High Molecμlar Weight...