绘本 好忙的蜘蛛.ppt,The Very Busy Spider Eric Carle Early one morning the wind blew a spider across the field. A thin, silky thread trailed from her body. The spider landed on a fence post near a farm yard… And began to spin a web with her silky thread.
绘本 好忙的蜘蛛.ppt,The Very Busy Spider Eric Carle Early one morning the wind blew a spider across the field. A thin, silky thread trailed from her body. The spider landed on a fence post near a farm yard… And began to spin a web with her silky thread.
《好忙的蜘蛛》绘本教学.ppt 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 《好忙的蜘蛛》绘本教学一大清早,一只蜘蛛就开始织网。 下载文档 收藏 分享赏 0 内容提供方:开心就好 审核时间:2020-12-02 审核编号:7042136100002116 认证类型:实名认证 ...
绘本 好忙的蜘蛛The Very Busy Spider Eric Carle Early one morning the wind blew a spider across the field. A thin, silky thread trailed from her body. The spider landed on a fence post near a farm yard… And began to spin a web with her silky thread. “Neigh! Neigh!” said the ...