奶昔制作方法(英文版) 1、First,wash the strawberrys. 2、Nxet cut up the starwberrys. 3、Nxet put the starwberrys and ice cream into the blender. 4、Then pour the milk into the blender. 5、Then turn on the blender. 6、Finally,we drink the it. Pour into o 12-ounce cups. Plus: if...
1、First,wash the strawberrys. 2、Nxet cut up the starwberrys. 3、Nxet put the starwberrys and ice cream into the blender. 4、Then pour the milk into the blender. 5、Then turn on the blender. 6、Finally,we drink the it. Pour into two 12-ounce cups. Plus: ...
做法:1 将哈密瓜放入冰箱中冷藏后,切4小片留做装饰用,其余的去皮去籽切成3厘米小块。2.将1和香草冰淇淋、牛奶放在果汁机打成泥状,再放入冰箱冰凉后,倒入玻璃杯中。3.维益植脂奶油中加入砂糖,慢打至发泡,注入2的表面上,撒些开心果碎末及放一片哈密瓜片。Formula: Xiangcao Bingqilin 600ml...
1 Tbsp sugar 1/2 cup cold milk 2 scoops ice creamInstructionsPlace all ingredients in a blender and process on HIGH until smooth and creamy. Serve in a tall, chilled glass.Chef CommentsStrawberries, raspberries or peaches all make a wonderful milk shake. Use strawberry or peach ic...
西瓜奶昔制作方法(中英文) 西瓜奶昔(Watermelon milk shake)材料:西瓜,牛奶,白砂糖,巧克力酱或巧克力饼干 Material: watermelon, milk, sugar, chocolate 1.将适量西瓜切小块,去籽,倒入搅拌机。(Cut the watermelon into pieces and get rid of the seeds.)2.牛奶一袋或酸奶一盒(依据个人口味)倒入...
制作方法 做法一:芒果奶昔 做法二:香蕉奶昔 做法三:葡萄奶昔 做法四:蓝莓奶昔 做法五:哈密瓜奶昔 配方 香草冰淇淋600ml 牛奶 100cc 植脂奶油 100cc 砂糖2小匙开心果 少许哈密瓜 1个 步骤 做法六:美宝奶昔 材料 鲜牛奶210克,巧克力冰淇淋球1只,白色糖浆30克,巧克力粉1茶匙,速溶咖啡1茶匙,香草冰淇淋球1只...