奴隶; bondman 奴隶; bondslave 奴隶,农奴; 实用场景例句 全部 slave She treated her daughter like a slave. 她对待女儿像对待奴隶一样。 牛津词典 The state of Liberia was formed a century and a half ago by freed slaves from the United States. ...
奴隶 1. Studies on the Documents of the Slave Sale in Mesopotamia in the Old Babylonian Period; 古巴比伦时期两河流域地区奴隶买卖文献研究 2. A remarkable and the most important aspect of social development in the British Chesapeake colonies of North America was the growth of a dominant slavehol...
拥有奴隶 例句>> 2) slaveholder[英]['sleiv,həuldə] [美]['slev,holdɚ] 奴隶所有者 3) Servus communis 共有的奴隶 4) Servus vicarius 奴隶特有产中的奴隶 例句>> 5) slave-owning society 奴隶占有制社会 6) slave-owning ownership ...
奴隶制 1. Theslave systempolitics was the decisive factor of the rise of scientific culture,and theslave systemeconomy was the material foundation of science culture rise,the ancient Greece myth was the thought headspring of scientific culture rise. ...
奴隶制度1. In my opinion,Toni Morrison seems deliberately creates an ambiguous figure as a way to criticize slavery. 莫里森有意塑造一个身份模糊的人物,借此来抨击奴隶制度。更多例句>> 2) slavery system 奴隶制度 1. Morrison tells the readers through the book that the black people are able to...
slaver 音标:['sleivə] 你的浏览器不支持播放 单词:slaver的单词意思解释释义 n. 奴隶商人, 奴隶贩卖船, 口水vi. 垂涎, 淌口水, 奉承vt. 淌口水弄脏【医】 垂涎 与单词:slaver 相关的例句或者名人名言 You'd better shut up and save your slaver. 你最好少说点话,节约一下你的口水。※A gr...
n.奴隶制度,奴隶身分 6) antislavery [英][ˌænti'sleivəri] [美][ˌæntɪ'slevərɪ] 反对奴隶制度 例句>> 补充资料:社会主义制度下的必要劳动与剩余劳动 社会主义社会劳动者为生产满足自己需要的产品和满足社会公共需要的产品所耗费的两部分劳动。在社会主义社会中,劳动者为了满足本人及其家...
在古罗马奴隶制时代,奴隶领袖斯巴达克领导的大起义,曾经震动了整个西方世界,其不畏强暴、前仆后继求解放的斗争精神曾影响了一代又一代奴隶,谱写了奴隶解放的光辉诗篇。 在古罗马,到处都有大规模使用奴隶劳动的大庄园,奴隶被称之为“ 会说话的工具”。奴隶主为了取乐,建造巨大的角斗场,强迫奴隶成对角斗,并让角...