解到最后你会不能再解橘色任务了,你的橘色任务应该要是Find the Ark 1/7 此时你就能开始解蓝色任务了,也就是开着船去别的岛屿解任务 你在开船的时候别忘记可以使用Auto route, 可以在地图上选定地点让他自动航行(解放食指) 一直解蓝色任务直到你抵达Vern Castle,恭喜,差不多能开启chaos dungeon了,顺着解就能开...
But Hopley You guys can understand those features lots of Beautiful Pictures of new contents and News, Videos etc in the link down below But for those people who don't have enough time to watch full video, there is script down below 嘿,是ABC 我们看到了《失落的方舟》 +用户大会成立1周年 ...