天坛简介英文5句话简单 1. The Temple of Heaven is a famous imperial complex in Beijing, China, built during the Ming Dynasty. (天坛是中国北京著名的皇家建筑群,建于明朝。) 2. It was used by emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties to worship the heavens and pray for good harvests. (明清...
北京天坛英文导游词(1) the Temple is circular while the southern part is square. The whole compound is enclosed by two walls, a square wall outside a round one. The outer area is characterized by suburban scenery, while the inner part is used for sacrifices. The inner enclosure consists of...
在国家政府和北京市政府的秀山之下,天坛才重现昔日辉煌面貌。 天坛全园占地约273公顷,其中林地占地163公顷,草坪占地10余公顷,1以上的古柏有3600多株,全园之北覆盖率达到89%。天坛的面积是紫禁城面积的4倍。天坛平面布局呈“回”字形,北圆南方,象征天圆地方。明清两朝共有22位皇帝在这里举行过几天大典654次。最后...
英文:The unique architectural style of the Temple of Heaven demonstrates the exquisite craftsmanship of ancient Chinese architecture. (3)中文:每年都有大量游客来到天坛,感受这里的历史文化氛围。英文:Every year, a large number of tourists visit the Temple of Heaven to experience ...
天坛的英文介绍是什么 曾老师 12-18 07:14The Temple of Heaven is located in southern Beijing. It was included in the UNESCO world heritage list in 1998. With an area of 2.7 million square meters, it is the largest of its kind in China. Built in 1420 (the 18th year of the reign of ...
天坛的英文 篇1 Dear visitors, today we will visit the emperor worship was formerly place - the temple of heaven. Ming yongle emperor after moved in Beijing enterprise of Beijing, the big site modeled nanjing is established for this role in praying to alter, covers an area of reached 273 mi...
英文介绍:北京天坛TempleofHeaven 【导语】天坛,在北京市南部,东城区永定门内⼤街东侧。占地约273万平⽅⽶。天坛始建于明永乐⼗⼋年(1420年),清乾隆、光绪时曾重修改建。为明、清两代帝王祭祀皇天、祈五⾕丰登之场所。欢迎阅读为⼤家精⼼整理的天坛的英⽂介绍!欢迎阅读学习!更多相关讯息请...
天坛公园(Temple of Heaven Park)位于北京市东城区天坛内东里7号,原名“天地坛”,始建于明永乐十八年(1420年),明嘉靖九年(1530年)改名为“天坛”。这里是明清两代皇帝祭天和祈谷的场所,总面积达273公顷,是中国现存最大的古代祭祀建筑群。天坛公园被两道坛墙环绕,分为“内坛”和“外坛”两部分。公园北侧呈圆形...
中文介绍: 天坛是中国古代皇家祭祀建筑,位于北京市东城区。它始建于明朝永乐十八年(1420年),是明清两代皇帝祭天、祈谷的地方。天坛以其独特的建筑风格和深厚的文化内涵,成为了世界文化遗产之一。坛内分为内坛和外坛,主要建筑有祈年殿、皇穹宇、圜丘等。 英文介绍: The Temple of Heaven is an ancient imperial sac...
天坛英文 篇1 Hello everyone: I'm Liu Xueqi, a tour guide from Beijing Tiantan. You can call me Liu dao. Today, I will accompany you to visit Tiantan in Beijing. What we see now is Tiantan. Tiantan is the two dynasties of Ming and Qing emperor worship, prayer harvest places, is the...