英译 “天下大同”可以翻译为"UniversalHarmony"或"GreatHarmonyUnderHeaven"。其中,"UniversalHarmony"强调全球范围内的和谐,而"GreatHarmonyUnderHeaven"更加强调在天地之间实现的大同境界。这些翻译表达了人们对于世界和平、和谐、共同发展的向往和追求。需要注意的是,具体的翻译可以根据上下文和表达意图进行调整。
Great Harmony
欣赏一下以下两个翻译:Achieving one's own goal yields gratificationLending a hand to consummate others' goal doubles satisfactionGoals of self and others can be unifiedthus the world can be harmonized---Every form of beauty has its uniquenessPrecious is to appreciate other forms of beauty with ...
“各美其美,美人之美,美美与共,天下大同”的英文翻译 Achieving one's own goal yields gratification,Lending a hand to consummate others' goal doubles satisfaction。Goals of self and others can be unified,thus the world can be harmonized。意思就是人们要懂得
Fei Xiaotong, a renowned Chinese sociologist, envisioned a world in which countries treasure their ...
青云在线翻译网,提供英语,荷兰语, 法语, 德语, 希腊语, 意大利语, 日语,韩语, 葡萄牙语, 俄语, 西班牙语的免费在线翻译服务。
your house is mine.my house is yours.your happiness is my happiness.my happiness is your happiness.your are me.i am you. 来自Android客户端4楼2013-12-23 03:14 收起回复 丝絮左边 器宇轩昂 12 Worldwide unification 来自iPad5楼2013-12-23 05:05 回复 ...
天下大同 【英文翻译】: Great Harmony in the world词语天下大同意思解释: 指人人为公的理想社会,指共产主义 出处: 西汉·戴圣《礼记·礼运》:“是故谋闭而不兴,盗窃乱贼而不作,故外户而不闭,是谓大同。” 语法: 天下大同作谓语、定语;用于书天下...