大学英语期末口语考试--对话篇㈠Agreement and disagreement A:Oh my god!Get up quickly,Yasmin!It time to have lunch B:well,er...Why don't you get up and buy some food back? A:No!That's out of the question.If I go out ,you will fall asleep again.So the best compromise is that ...
大学英语期末口语考试对话Confronting failure A : Hi girls , how do you do ? BC: Fine, thank you. B: Where are you going?I haven’t seen you for some time . C: Yeah, or you have got some problems , would you like to share them with us ? A: Er , ok, I need to write a ...
大学生日常分享,学习英语数学和生活。 减肥 A:I want hamburgers and chicken, but I can't eat them. B: Why? A:I feel like I've been putting on weight these days.Being fat is a problem to me.Do you have any good suggestions on how to keep fit? B:Maybe running can keep you weight ...
这个夹克增加了一些iPod播放器的控制按钮的功能在里面。所以你可以在你休闲娱乐的时候听音乐,你也可以听一些英语文章,使用你的空余时间去学英语。 A:这真的很棒,一些学生可以在他们感到压力大的时候,听音乐去放松。 B:你说对了,这对学生来说很便利,并且这个夹克的价格很优惠。 A:这样一个有用的夹克多少钱呢?
大学英语口语考试,要求编一段两人讨论第一次学习英语时的经验的对话. 要求:对话时间是4分钟左右,拜托大神们把每段话把英语和中文翻译都写出来!关系到期末挂不挂科,
中南大学期末英语对话口语考试,大一下 Situation one A:Candy, have you found the umbrella doesn't work in Changsha? B:What's your point? A;You know , it's impossible to use such an umbrella to keep away from the downpour(倾盆大雨) in Changsha. B:Yes ,I agree with you ,and it seems...
大学英语写作期末考试范文:LivingwithParents afterGraduation Whichwillyouchoosetodealwithyour accommodationproblemaftergraduation,livingwith parentsorrentingaroomonyourown?Quiteanumber ofpeopleprefertorentaroomontheirown;however, moreandmorepeoplechoosetolivewithparents.There areseveralreasonsforthat. First,becauseof...
中国农业大学英语三级期末考试口语对话 Q8:TalkabouttheLastLeafbyO?Henry.Andwasitworthwhilefor oldBehrmantoriskdeathtosaveJohnny?slife?Whyorwhynot? A:Hello,Lucy.Wehavefinishedthewholebook..Doyoustill rememberUnit6?B:Yeah,Ihaveaclearremember.Thetitleofthe Uniteis“theHumanTouch”.Inaddition,textA isafic...
华南师范大学研究生国际学术交流英语课程期末口语考试参考对话 1.What are the features of academic writing?In what way is academic writing different from ordinary English?情境:我们是两个学生,在图书馆遇见,寒暄过后聊到一篇论文,开始讨论论文写作方面的经验,当中穿插一下论文写作的特征和与日常英语的区别。...
大学英语期末考试满分为100分,由个人笔试成绩和小组口语对话成绩两部分组成,其中笔试成绩占70%,口语成绩占30%。已知小爽的笔试成绩与同一组的小美的笔试成绩之比为67,小美大学英语期末考试的成绩为91分。则小爽此门课程成绩的最低分为( )分。A.78分B.79分C.80分D.81分 温馨提示:多一点细心,少一点后悔!正确...