Book-I(《大学英语》全新版) Unit 1 Part A Communicative Function 1. How are you?/ I'd like you to meet my classmate. 2. I'm.../ May I you?/ Pleased to meet you. 3. Come and meet my family./ ...this is Tom./ It's good to know you./ ...this is my ...
全新版大学英语听说教程1(第二版李荫华)答案(大学课后答案在这里哈) 三号教学楼 编辑于 2024年08月15日 16:39 答案大学英语大学学习大学教材答案大学英语答案全新版的大学英语 评论 赞与转发 1 0 0 0 0
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新视野大学英语(第二版)听说教程 1 原文及答案 Unit 1 一、 short conversations 2 二、long conversation 三、passage 3 4 5 Unit 3 一、short conversations 6 二、long conversation 7 三、passage Unit 4 一、 short conversations 8 二、long conversation 9 三、passage Unit 5 一、short co...
Book-I(《大学英语》全新版) Unit 1 Part A Communicative Function 1. How are you?/ I'd like you to meet my classmate. 2. I'm.../ May I you?/ Pleased to meet you. 3. Come and meet my family./ ...this is Tom./ It's good to know you./ ...this is my ...