《大卫·科波菲尔》是19世纪英国批判现实主义作家狄更斯的一部半自传性的小说。以下是一些该小说中的中英文名句: 中文: 1. 在我生命的早期,我已窥见了命运的秘密,那就是痛苦和欢乐。 2. 永不卑贱,永不虚伪,永不残忍。 3. 我始终牢记:在悲伤与欢乐、失败与成功之间,其界限是极其细微的。 英文: 1. In the...
求《大卫科波菲尔》中英语名句 "Never,"saidmyaunt,"bemeaninanything;neverbefalse;neverbecruel.Avoidthosethreevices,Trot,andIcanalwaysbehopefulofyou."-chapter15 永远不要在任何事上卑劣;永远不要作假;永远不要残忍。 Alovingheartwasbetterandstrongerthanwisdom.-Chapter9 一颗仁爱的心比智慧更好,更有力量。
Idleness is the root of all evil. 懒惰乃万恶之源。 What I reaped, I had sown. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 The way I look at it is, that we are all drawing on to the bottom of the hill, whatever age we are, on account of time never standing still for a single moment. So let us a...
1、永远不要在任何事上卑劣;永远不要作假;永远不要残忍。Never be mean in anything; Never cheat; Never be cruel.2、宁愿随时被一个里头有血的人打躺下,也不愿被一个没有血的人扶起来。I would rather be beaten and laid down by a man with blood in it at any time than be helped...
A loving heart was better and stronger than wisdom.-Chapter 9 一颗仁爱的心比智慧更好,更有力量。"David," said Mr. Murdstone, "to the young this is a world for action; not for moping and droning in."-Chapter 10.对于年轻的人,这个世界是立身创业的地方,不是垂头丧气的地方。Acci...
大卫科波菲尔名句英文原文: IlovemylovewithanE,becauseshe'senticing; IhateherwithanE,becauseshe'sengaged; Itookhertothesignoftheexquisite,andtreatedherwithanelopement; hername'sEmily,andshelivesintheeast.(Dickens:DavidCopperfield) 译文1: 我爱我的心上人,因为她是那样地叫人入迷(Enticing); 我恨我的...