沪江词库精选多嘴多舌用英语怎么说及英文怎么写、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 multiloquence 翻译推荐 多嘴的garrulous 多嘴chop 多嘴者mouth 多嘴花囊flower 不多嘴的unobtrusiv 多嘴地garrulousl 多嘴的人blabber 别多嘴hang 多嘴割炬multinozzl 多嘴喷枪spray ...
While bountifully blessed with the gift of gab , gemini are notoriously bad psteners 双子: 多嘴多舌 的双子座是最差的听众。" are all these words to go unanswered ? is this talker to be vindicated 2这许多的言语岂不该回答吗? 多嘴多舌 的人岂可称为义吗?" shall a multit...
成语用法作谓语、宾语;指嘴多 例子/造句须要听两位头领哥哥的言语号令,亦不许你胡言乱语,多嘴多舌。★明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第四十一回 英文翻译gossipy and meddlesome <be long-tongued> 产生年代古代 常用程度常用 多嘴多舌成语接龙:多嘴多舌 →舌锋如火→火海刀山→山高海深→深谋远略...
[英语词汇]多嘴多舌用英文怎么说 词汇的学习是一个循序渐进的过程,要想快速提升词汇水平,需要从记忆词汇做起,以下为你翻译多嘴多舌的英文、多嘴多舌用英语怎么说、怎么读、用法、同义词、反义词、英文造句等学习资讯,助外语爱好者共同进步 2012-06-28 06:46 ...
访问沪江小D查看多嘴多舌的更多详细解释> 我要提问参考例句 His unpopularity comes of his talking incessantly. 他不受欢迎是他多嘴多舌的结果。 2017.6 CET-4签约班 2017.6 CET-6签约班 BEC初、中、高级连读签约 12月班 0-CET4 12月班 零基础直达流利口语初级1月A班 零基础直达流利口语中级1月A班 ...
a受委托 Is entrusted[translate] a交际舞 Ball dancing[translate] a总有那么几个人多嘴多舌,总有那么一个人自以为是,傻逼 Always has several people to be so gossipy, always has that a person to think oneself infallible, compels silly[translate]...
aRepeat New Password 重覆新口令 [translate] a香菇炒油菜 The shiitake mushroom stirs fry the rape [translate] a总有那么几个人多嘴多舌,总有那么一个人自以为是,操 Always has several people to be so gossipy, always has that a person to think oneself infallible, holds [translate] ...
a你好!头还疼吗? Hello! Also hurts?[translate] a其他问题点 Other question spot[translate] a总有那么几个人多嘴多舌,总有那么一个人自以为是,FQ Always has several people to be so gossipy, always has that a person to think oneself infallible, FQ[translate]...
总有那么几个人多嘴多舌,总有那么一个人自以为是,操问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 There are always a few people talkative, there is always a self-righteous, speaking 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 Overall there are so few personal slander, there is always a personal self-righteous...