这个人就是来自华东师范大学的王嫣,她凭借着《记忆中的圆桌》获得了2019“外研社·国才杯”全国英语演讲大赛冠军。 领略冠军演讲魅力 ↓↓↓ 以下为演讲节选内容: The most affectionate memory of my childhood is abut a round table. When I was still a little, my entire family would reunite on almost ev...
一个又高又害羞的男人和我的奶奶高兴地在圆桌旁增加了一个座位。 A tall and shy man and my grandma joyfully added another seat to the round table. 9 00:00:34,081 --> 00:00:36,150 它看起来更拥挤 It seems a little bit more crowded, 10 00:00:36,151 --> 00:00:39,180 但我们都感...
2021外研社国才杯全国英语演讲大赛冠军146号演讲稿 On 14 March 2021, Professor Stephen William Hawking died. His contribution to inflationary cosmology has forever changed our understanding of the universe. He was not only a British physicist, but also for all mankind. His death marked the end of ...
2019年12月,最新一届的“外研社·国才杯”英语演讲大赛圆满落幕。 这一届的冠军得主是来自华东师范大学2018级法学院、大夏书院本科生王嫣。这也是华东师范大学历届参赛的最好成绩。 王嫣是如何在演讲群英中脱颖而出,赢得评委和观众的一致认可?...
英语学习资源中心2021-01-01 19:39 英语演讲52个内容 英语学习1000个内容 英语口语1000个内容 英语1000个内容 大学62个内容 英语演讲· 目录
Round table 中国象征-圆桌,一篇很喜欢的演讲稿,2019"外研社·国才杯”全国英语演讲大赛冠军:王嫣(中国的象征-圆桌) Round table,预祝大家节日团聚,端午安康,记得吃粽子👏 #流利说英语 #练口语 #外研社全国 - Virginia维于20230619发布在抖音,已经收获了2.3万个喜
一个又高又害羞的男人和我的奶奶高兴地在圆桌旁增加了一个座位。 A tall and shy man and my grandma joyfully added another seat to the round table. 9 00:00:34,081 --> 00:00:36,150 它看起来更拥挤 It seems a little bit more crowded, ...