夏至英文微信文案 “Summer Solstice” comes on June 21 to June 22 each year when the sun altitude arrive the highest in north. This day has the longest day time of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the sunshine in many cities in south China may last fourteen hours per day.After ...
夏至唯美文案 1 1、掬一捧清爽沁人的雷雨水,放在淡定沉静的心胸里,用夏的热 情辅助,用爱的情意培育,冰出一个舒爽的西瓜送给你。最亲爱的朋 友啊,月夏至日来到,愿你身心清爽,以一颗淡然的心,开心生活! 2、夏至到了艳阳天,福星高照没有边;夏至到了花儿红,卿卿我 爱情美;夏至到了泉水甜,清清凉凉润心间;...