复方小叶枇杷片 1. OBJECTIVE:To determine the contents of total flavone and baicalin in decoction ofcompound Xiaoyepipa tablets so as to provide a basis for quality control of the preparation. 目的:建立复方小叶枇杷片水煎液中总黄酮和黄芩苷的含量测定方法 ,为制剂质量控制提供依据。
目的:建立复方小叶枇杷片水煎液中总黄酮和黄芩苷的含量测定方法 ,为制剂质量控制提供依据。方法 :紫外分光光度(UV)法测定总黄酮含量 ;反相高效液相色谱 (RP -HPLC)法测定黄芩苷含量 ,采用ZORBAXSB -C18 色谱柱 ,流动相为乙腈 -水 (27∶75) ,流速为0 7ml/min ,检测波长为280nm ,柱温为室温 ,外标法计算...
复方小叶枇杷片水煎液中总黄酮和黄芩苷含量测定 摘要
复方小叶枇杷片1. OBJECTIVE:To determine the contents of total flavone and baicalin in decoction of compound Xiaoyepipa tablets so as to provide a basis for quality control of the preparation. 目的:建立复方小叶枇杷片水煎液中总黄酮和黄芩苷的含量测定方法 ,为制剂质量控制提供依据。