leaving the game是什么情况啊69312 逃离塔科夫吧 Ambitioing 出现leaving the game问题的过来看给你们机翻一下 这是登录器通告 the game is currently experiencing technical issues. we are already working on the solution. please wait for further info 游戏当前遇到技术问题。我们已经在研究解决办法了。请等待...
网络错误 leavi..网络错误 leaving the,game 咋回事,刚刚匹配半天没匹配到,就取消了就一直这样了。求救好吧,我就不该抱着更新完就去冲的
Changed the conditions for the status “Survived”. Now you need to stay in the raid for at least 10 minutes or gain at least 600 XP before leaving the location. 避免匆匆逃离,你需要在战局中至少停留十分钟以上,且总计获得600点以上的经验。 Increased the amount of experience required for the fi...
Changed the conditions for the status “Survived”. Now you need to stay in the raid for at least 10 minutes or gain at least 600 XP before leaving the location. 避免匆匆逃离,你需要在战局中至少停留十分钟以上,且总计获得600点以上的经验。 Increased the amount of experience required for the fi...
关于卡在leavin..重启电脑/裸连服务器等办法我都没解决 就这样硬生生卡在界面30分钟左右最后在启动器右上角清除缓存开启游戏就好了也不知道是不是我关闭自动清理内存的问题
Changed the conditions for the status “Survived”. Now you need to stay in the raid for at least 10 minutes or gain at least 600 XP before leaving the location. 避免匆匆逃离,你需要在战局中至少停留十分钟以上,且总计获得600点以上的经验。
一直leaving..回复 张彬灬 :应该是卡战局了,就是那种其实已经匹配进战局了,但是自己以为还是没有匹配到人所以卡住了
Now you need to stay in the raid for at least 10 minutes or gain at least 600 XP before leaving the location. • Increased the amount of experience required for the first 20 character levels • Simplified Jaeger's quests • Changed various old quests, new rewards have been added •...
修复了一个导致战局结束前玩家看见”Leaving the game“的错误栓动式狙击步枪开火声音延迟已移除修复了一个重置锐化设置的错误修复了立交桥中玩家可以利用门推自己进入上锁药房的漏洞修复了放大和缩小时显示地图时的错误修复了第三人视角下掷手榴弹的显示错误调整了武器在角色背后的位置修复了一个打开手电筒进入藏身处时...
leaving th..出现这个代表其实你已经匹配进服务器里面了,可是由于毛子的问题,你之前还会一直显示“正在匹配中”。所以你一点返回就会提醒你离开了那局游戏。