南非打不了了?提示:..人在广东 一直玩南非。但是今晚突然南非服务器连接不上了。提示:client and server location mismach这是改了吗?以后只能玩亚服了???
Rewrote to not depend on instead just use the tables for validity checking adab18e3fbLocaleService.getPlatformForClientLocale()serverSupportedLocales Extracted code into their own functions from and 81c7b8751b ed6e81ab52generateBotsFirstTime()returnSingleBotFromCache() Added WebSocket handlers for new ...
Fixed bug when bots were trying to attack the player who exited locationOptimizations:Optimization of Shoreline locationClient and server optimizations for handling physicsReduced network latency新地图:交通总站(暂翻,反正大家都知道)新装备:一大大大系列新插件,装备和护甲AI改进:AI不再打墙(玩家撤出后AI仍然...
Of the chosen containers we add loot to them and send the list off to the client to be added to the map Expect a lot of debug text in server window when generating map loot More config settings inside containerRandomisationSettings in location.json Updated map loot with lots of new dumps ...
• Spamming AI error on the server, related to searching the bot's path • Spamming error on the client “Graphics.CopyTexture called with null destination texture” when opening inventory • Lack of sound when switching magnification on some scopes • Error when the storage time of items...
添加了对新端点 001def56a5client/game/mode 的支持 将机器人生成重新设计为异步 2172c29640 已添加到locationSpecificPmcLevelOverridepmc.json 添加了新接口以替换 f8d1227dfdIClonerjsonUtil.Clone() 从give 命令中删除了区域设置检查(现在在 中处理)https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server/compare/master.....