100× 12/70 AP-20 穿甲弹 2×Surv12 野战手术包 “You did the right thing. Even if others say that Sanitar did good deeds, he brought much more evil. Don't believe those people's lies. I've seen people like Sanitar before: once they go crazy, there's no turning back. You can on...
猎人之路 - 虐待狂 是《逃离塔科夫》中的一个任务。 消灭 Sanitar 通过完成 同事 - Part 3, 此任务将会失败并且失去此任务。 +16,300 经验 Jaeger 信任度 +0.02 115,000 卢布 120,750卢布 在 情报中心 等级1时 132,250 卢布 在 情报中心 等级 2时 1× Trijicon REAP-IR 热成
1回复贴,共1页 <返回逃离塔科夫吧问一下,猎人之路虐待狂要不要做,就是那个杀海岸线BOSS的任 只看楼主收藏回复 奈绪菜菜子 舔包精英 8 问一下,猎人之路虐待狂要不要做,就是那个杀海岸线BOSS的任务,如果做3x4的话 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2021-03-05 19:43回复 ...
大妈任务“同事-3” 与耶格任务 猎人之路-虐待狂 2选1 #逃离塔科夫 #极品青年音 #wild牧野 #逃离塔科夫教学 #逃离塔科夫新人攻略 - Wild牧野(逃离塔科夫)于20240201发布在抖音,已经收获了6.9万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
逃离塔科夫新兵训练营-猎人之路-虐待狂?同事-3? #逃离塔科夫 #新手教程 #任务攻略 #多人联机 - 暴君之翼于20230726发布在抖音,已经收获了2183个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
1× Trijicon REAP-IR 熱成像瞄準鏡 100× 12/70 AP-20 穿甲彈 2×Surv12 野戰手術包 「You did the right thing. Even if others say that Sanitar did good deeds, he brought much more evil. Don't believe those people's lies. I've seen people like Sanitar before: once they go crazy, th...
You did the right thing. Even if others say that Sanitar did good deeds, he brought much more evil. Don't believe those people's lies. I've seen people like Sanitar before: once they go crazy, there's no turning back. You can only shoot them like rabid dogs.„...