一种基于协同过滤的网格门户推荐模型 a grid portal recommendation model based on collaborative filtering.pdf,第32卷第7期 电子与信息学报 Vbl.32No.7 JournalofElectronics&Information Jul.2010 2010年7月 Technology 一种基于协同过滤的网格门户推荐模型 方娟
A Grid Portal Recommendation Model Based on Collaborative Filtering一种基于协同过滤的网格门户推荐模型Grid computingGrid portalPortal collaborationCollaboration filteringPersonalized recommendationGrid portal is playing an important role in grid computing area. However, with the large-scale diverse resource need ...
Load-forecasting model based on normalized Gaussian pLSA collaborative filtering基于标准化高斯pLSA协同过滤的用电量预测模型概率潜在语义分析协同过滤示象模型用电量预测模型To some extent the existing long-term load-forecasting algorithms have their limitations because the variables influencing the output of the...
协同过滤稀疏性课程推荐聚类By analyzing the blindness of students taking elective courses in the university, this paper proposed a recommended courses algorithm based on collaborative filtering. Firstly constructed a non-missing data curriculum evaluation matrix through the clustering of the courses. Then ...