aEmails cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error free as the message and any attachments could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, delayed, incomplete or amended. Standard Chartered PLC and its subsidiaries do not accept liability for damage caused by this email or any attachments and may monitor...
平时和英语口语写作打交道,常会遇到这种情况:想知道某个搭配地不地道、某个说法怎么讲,而词典上查不到。因为,一则词典毕竟收词有限,二则,多数词典全文索引不大便利。 这时就得求救于索引范围更大的在线语料库了。这类服务网上有不少,这几年用下来,有两个我最觉得最顺手:Ludwig,Linggle。 查看全文...