CSC的全称是China Scholarship Council,即国家留学基金管理委员会。主要是基于中国政府与外国政府或国际组织达成的协议或计划,并委托国家留学基金管理委员会负责评选、派出等日常事务的管理工作。通过综合评定申请人员的申请资格、综合素质、发展潜力等方面,最终派选优秀学生前往国际一流的院校、科研单位等深造学习。2.CSC资...
国家留学基金管理委员会 CHINASCHOLARSHIPCOUNCIL(CSC) 电话Tel:86-10-66413191传真Fax:66413195 CSC出国留学人员学习/研修情况报告表 STUDYANDRESEARCHREPORTBYCHINESESTUDENTSANDSCHOLARS 学号 CSCNo. 留学国别 CountryofStudy 加拿大姓名 **me 性别 Sex 抵达日期Date ofarrival 学习研修期限 Durationofstay 专业(专题) ...
aI am not used your language 没有使用我您的语言[translate] a希望我们的下一个周末会是一个好天气 Hoped our next weekend can be a fine weather[translate] aChina Scholarship Council research projects at the Faculty of EAIT 中国奖学金委员会研究计划在EAIT才干[translate]...
a China Scholarship Council and Freie Universität Berlin have signed an agreement to establish a postdoctoral research program which provides opportunities and scholarships for qualified young scholars to conduct post-doctoral research at FUB. This program aims at supporting highly-qualified postdocs ...
a23. Eye blinkers 23. 眼睛火焰信号器[translate] a记录数据 Data recording[translate] aExpression of Interest for China Scholarship Council and QUT Joint Scholarship Program for Higher Degree Research 表示利益为中国奖学金委员会和QUT联合奖学金节目为高度研究[translate]...
🌼 博士CSC奖学金,即中国国家留学基金管理委员会(China Scholarship Council)提供的奖学金,资助优秀的中国学生攻读博士学位或进行博士联合培养。CSC奖学金覆盖学费、生活费及一次往返国际旅费等,资助期限根据留学项目和地区而定。#csc奖学金 #博士留学 #博士申请 #博士留学规划 #捷报 #Offer ...
a的读音 Pronunciation[translate] a(i.e. a PhD) at QUT through the China Scholarship Council and Queensland University of Technology Joint Scholarship Program. (即。 PhD)在QUT通过技术联接奖学金节目中国奖学金委员会和昆士兰大学。[translate]
aBEIJING---World-renowned Oxford and Cambridge have come to China 16 (attract) top-rank postgraduate students in cooperation with the China Scholarship Council. 北京---世界显耀的牛津和剑桥来了到中国 16 (吸引)在与中国奖学金委员会合作下上面排列毕业后的学生。[translate]...
aOxford made its first 17 (appear) at the China Scholarship Council's annual International Graduate Scholarship Fair, 18 opened on Saturday in Beijing. The school wants to encourage excellent Chinese students to consider 19 Oxford can offer for 20 academic and professional careers. 牛津做了它第一...
In section 8, include the China Scholarship Council in the name of your sponsor organisation, as you intend to app 这个形式将用于联络您到您能联络开发研究提案的一位潜在的监督员。 在您在QUT法郎入场形式之前,能申请您将需要研究提案。 在第8部分,以您的主办者组织的名义包括中国奖学金委员会,您打% ...