社会文明进步(social civilization progress) 国家长治久安(enduring peace and stability of the country) 中国梦 Chinese dream 中华民族伟大复兴(the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation) 国家富强(prosperity of the country) 民族振兴(rejuvenation of th...
其基本内涵是实现国家富强民族振兴人民幸福英文翻译 其基本内涵是实现国家富强民族振兴人民幸福英文翻译:Its basic connotation is to realize the prosperity of the country and the rejuvenation of the people's happiness©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | ...
社会文明进步(social civilization progress) 国家长治久安(enduring peace and stability of the country) 中国梦 Chinese dream 中华民族伟大复兴(the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation) 国家富强(prosperity of the country) 民族振兴(rejuvenation of th...