在这里度过的四年时间里,你们一直以为失败是不会留下任何记录的。要是学得不好,一个最省事的办法就是中途退出(不修这门课),在布朗大学你们学会了这一点。但是,从现在开始,在你们要涉足的世界里,失败是要给你留下疤痕的。知难而退也会使你变成另一个人。走出布朗,知难而退的人绝不是英雄。 [2]With us...
小学四年级语文课文原文 4 篇 小学四年级语文课文原文 1 我一向讨厌母鸡。听吧,它由前院嘎嘎到后院,由后院再嘎嘎到 前院,没完没了,并且没有什么理由,讨厌!有的时候,它不这样乱叫, 而是细声细气的,有什么心事似的,颤颤巍巍的,顺着墙根,或沿着 田坝,那么扯长了声如怨如诉,使人心中立刻结起个小疙瘩来。 它...
4必修四课文原文 Unit 10 Money Lesson1 A Material World “Who wants to be a Millionaire? I don't,” says Charles Gray Angus Deayton interviews ex-millionaire Charles Gray A lot of people are determined to become a millionaire. They spend half their time dreaming up ways of getting rich, ...
大学英语四课文原文 4 Preview: The 1990s marks the beginning of a telecommunications revolution. This can mean a quantum change in the information available to people and organizations. Although the transition will be slow for some, the development seems inevitable. Eventually, all of us will be ...
外研版英语必修四课文原文 完整word版外研版英语必修四课文原文 The City of the Future What will the city of the future look like? No one knows for sure, and making predictions is a risky business. But one thing is certain-they are going to get bigger before they get smaller. In the future...
人教版部编本四年级上册《普罗米修斯》课文原文 14.普罗米修斯 很久很久以前,地面上没有火,人们只好吃生的东西,在无边的黑暗中度过一 个又一个长夜。就在这时候,有一位名叫普罗米修斯的天神来到了人间,看到人类没有火的 悲惨情景,决心冒着生命危险,到太阳神阿波罗那里去拿取火种。有一天,当阿波罗驾着太阳车...
小学四年级语文课文原文1 我一向讨厌母鸡。听吧,它由前院嘎嘎到后院,由后院再嘎嘎到前院,没完没了,并且没有什么理由,讨厌!有的时候,它不这样乱叫,而是细声细气的,有什么心事似的,颤颤巍巍的,顺着墙根,或沿着田坝,那么扯长了声如怨如诉,使人心中立刻结起个小疙瘩来。
新概念英语第四册是一个适合中高级英语学习者的教材,其中包含了20篇阅读文章和12个单元的词汇及语法练习。以下是新概念第四册课文原文及翻译方法。 1. A dream of freedom I was born a slave on a plantation in Virginia, but I always dreamed of being free. When I was 21, I escaped and went nort...
(完整版)外研版英语必修四课文原文The City of the Future What will the city of the future look like? No one knows for sure, and making predictions is a risky business.But one thing is certain-they are going to get bigger before they get smaller.Inthefuture, care for the environment will ...