【四级听力长对话原文1】 M: Excuse me, I need some information about some of the towns near here. W: What would you like to know? M: Well, first, I'd like directions to go to Norwalk. I believe there is an interesting museum there. It isn't far, is it? W: No, not at all....
2024年12月英语四级考试真题试卷和参考答案(附听力原文/全三套) 加下面 公众hao:新文道考研培训,回复:答案! 马上查看 #考研英语 #学习 #答案 - 北京新文道考研于20241214发布在抖音,已经收获了15.7万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
四级原题Part Writing (30minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Excessive Packaging following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.1.目前许多商品存在过度包装的现象2.出现这一现象的原因3....
大学英语四级考试2023.6真题一卷,听力第一部分,1-2题是关于一位妇女由于给小鸟投喂食物被指控的新闻报道,内容涉及的单词主要位于我的公益词表《睡眠记忆法配套词表》P24U19。 全文一共10处词组短语固定用法类的考点,《高中英语1.5万考点》全部命中,需要备考四级的老用户,可以把3年前就拿到手的笔记拿出来,对照一下...
2023年12月大学英语四级听力真题附原文及答案解析.pdf,12 月大学英语四级听力真题 Part ⅡListening Comprehension(30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation,
2023.6大学英语四级考试听力5-7题,原文是关于日本一个市长咬了一名奥运垒球冠军的金牌闹出的新闻。属于奥运轶事、趣闻类的新闻,难度也不是很大,原文难度相当于高一英语阅读的难度。 本题一共出现9处词组短语类的用法,《高中英语1.5万考点》全部命中,2处冷词,属于话题词,都是属于话题不考就没有,考出来必然会出现的...
2022年12月大学英语四级考试真题,三, PartIWriting(30minutes) Directions:Inthistask,youaretowriteanessayonthenecessityofdevelopingsocialskillsforcollegestudents.Youwillhave30minutesfort如task.Youshouldwriteatleast丝Qwordsbutnomorethan拉Owords. PartllListeningComprehension(25minutes) ...
一、听力试题部分: Questions 1 to 2 are based on the new report you have just heard.1 .A) Warm currents in the oceanB) Ship traffic in the AtlanticC) Particles emitted by power plantsD) Exhaust from cars in Europe2.A) They need to be taken seriouslyB) They have a huge effect on ...
听力与前2套内容完全相同,只是顺序不同,故听力题不再重复列出。 Part]1[ReadingComprehension(40minutes) SectionA Directions:Inthissection,thereisapassagewithtenblanks.Youarerequiredtoselectonewordforeach blankfromalistofchoicesgiveninawordbankfollowingthepassage.Readthepassagethroughcarefully ...
maths skills of high school teachers. B) Change British people's negative view of maths. C) Help British people understand their paychecks. D) Launch a campaign to promote maths teaching. 4.A) Children take maths courses at an earlier age. B) The public sees the value of maths in their...