Q25. What does the speaker say he finds odd? 四级听力答案第一套 1.D) She was accused of violating a city law. 2.A) It will take time to solve the rat problem. 3 B) Work in an environment resembling Mars. 4.A) Ready-made food. 5.C) He bit a softball player's Olympic gold ...
大学英语四级考试听力真题及答案 一、短对话(每题 7.1 分,共 56.8 分)。 1. A. - 听力原文:M: I'm really exhausted, but I don't want to miss the film that comes on at 11. - 问题:W: If I were you, I'd skip it. We both have to get up early tomorrow. And anyway, I've ...
Passage 2(第二套) After all, if you can jump out of a plane or off a bridge, thenyou can face anything else easily.When doing extremesports, you have to become more focused. You'll be pushedto your limits, and if you aren't focused, you'll makedangerous mistakes. Learning to be ...
2025年6月英语四级听力考试题及答案(5) The Brazilian government says it invested billions of dollars to prepare for the 2014 World Cup. The money has been spent on infrastructure like roads and stadiums for World Cup events. It also has paid for security and social projects. The government says...
M: When the time is right, i'll start talking to our children about investing and show them how the moneysaved for their further education has grown. W: I am always talking to my elder daughter about the importance of saving into a pension.She's just started a part time job and was...
6.7万 历年四级听力真题 by:丘尔语言堂 2590 1993-2020年6月英语四级听力原声(四级13年改版) by:菇娘野蛮生长 1万 2007-2020年12月英语四级听力原声(四级13年改版) by:菇娘野蛮生长 6.7万 2023年6月 英语四级预测 by:华研教育 3.6万 2023年12月 英语四级预测 by:华研教育 1630 英语四级历年听力真题 ...
2024年6月高校英语四级考试听力样题 PartIIListeningComprehension(25minutes) SectionA Directions:Inthissection,youwillhearthreenewsreports.Attheendofeachnewsreport,youwillheartwoorthreequestions.Boththenewsreportandthequestionswillbespokenonlyonce.Afteryouhearaquestion,youmustchoosethebestanswerfromthefourchoices...
第一套英语四级听力答案 1.A.It ran for as long as some thirty years.2.D.Drinking water instead of beverages with added sugar.3.B.He found two 17th-century oil paintings.4.A.They are originals.5.D.Save her sick grandmother.6.C.She has to face a criminal charge 7.A.She suffered ...
1329 英语角2020年12月 by:杨香红15195567869 2206 英语角22021年678910月 by:杨香红15195567869 527 2021年4月英语角 by:杨香红15195567869 469 2021年5月英语角 by:杨香红15195567869 2045 英语角2020年11月 by:杨香红15195567869 965 英语角2021年3月 by:杨香红15195567869 1076 英语角2020年10月 by:杨香红151...