JCXH-105代表着嘉晨西海首个针对潜伏病毒引起的慢性传染病的试验性疫苗进入临床试验阶段。 “我们很高兴能在不到10个月的时间内获得第三个美国食药监局 IND 批准。此次获批临床代表着嘉晨西海基于多形式RNA技术的创新药物和新型疫苗管线组合获得进一步增强。” 嘉晨西海首席医学官NgocDiep Le博士(M.D.,Ph.D.)表示,...
“JCXH-105 has been developed using Immorna’s propriety srRNA platform, which features improved immunogenicity and reactogenicity compared to the standard alphavirus RNA replicon. We chose to use srRNA because compared to the non-replicating conventional mRNA, srRNA strongly modulates T cell effecto...
“JCXH-105 has been developed using Immorna’s propriety srRNA platform, which features improved immunogenicity and reactogenicity compared to the standard alphavirus RNA replicon. We chose to use srRNA because compared to the non-replicating conventional mRNA, srRNA strongly modulates T cell effecto...