还有人不知道威士忌展会就是白嫖天堂吗 whisky L 国际威士忌展会真的太好玩了[哭惹R] 其实我还喝了好多,根本剪不完,喜欢威士忌的人真的不能错过展会这种免费喝酒的好机会啊!! #酒蒙子的日常 #微醺时刻 #关于喝酒这件事 #威士 - 泡沫猪子于20230815发布在抖音,已经收
Guy, from Ireland, a whisky expert and a brand ambassador, has been in the alcohol and bar business for many years and his knowledge of spirits and cocktails is astounding. Guy来自爱尔兰,他是一位研究威士忌的专家,同时也是一位品牌大使。多年来,他一直在酒类和酒吧行业工作,他对烈酒和鸡尾酒的知识...
Guy, from Ireland, a whisky expert and a brand ambassador, has been in the alcohol and bar business for many years and his knowledge of spirits and cocktails is astounding. Guy来自爱尔兰,他是一位研究威士忌的专家,同时也是一位品牌大使。多年来,他一直在酒类和酒吧行业工作,他对烈酒和鸡尾酒的知...