唐氏综合征的英文是Down syndrome。 唐氏综合症的英文全称 唐氏综合症,其英文全称为“Down Syndrome”。这是一个在全球范围内被广泛接受的医学术语,用于描述一种特定的遗传性疾病。在医学文献、研究报告以及国际交流中,“Down Syndrome”是描述该病症的标准用语。这一名称不仅体现了对病症的...
唐氏综合症的英文是什么 唐氏综合症用英语怎么说 唐氏综合症怎么读 拼音:,拼音 [táng shì zōng hé zhèng] 唐氏综合症翻译:唐氏综合症的英文 downs,唐氏综合症也可以翻译为 Down syndrome,还可以用 Down’s syndrome; Down´s Syndrome 表示唐氏综合症。 唐氏综合症的意思 唐氏综合症的翻译 唐氏综合症的...
沪江词库精选唐氏综合症英文怎么写、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 downs syndrome 相似短语 churchill downsphr. 邱吉尔园马场 downs syndrome唐氏综合症 Churchill Downs邱吉尔高地 downs cell【机】 唐士电解池 ups and downs of mine沧海桑田 the ups and downs of life人生的沉浮 ...
唐氏综合症的英文:downs syndrome参考例句: China is a vulnerable region with a large population of Babies affected with Down Syndrome.我国是唐氏综合症患儿的高发国家downs是什么意思:prep. 在…下,沿着v. 下降,打倒n. 潦倒;羽绒;丘陵 Down with hegemonism!打倒霸权主义! The sun is down.太阳下山了。
唐氏综合症 1. Objective To analyze the effect of AFP andβ-HCG in serum of the pregnant women at the second trimester on the screening of foetus withDown syndrome. 目的探讨检测孕中期母血清中AFP,β-HCG浓度对筛查唐氏综合症胎儿的作用。
1、Down syndrome, or Downs syndrome (primarily in the United Kingdom),12 trisomy 21, or trisomy G, is a chromosomal disorder caused by the presence of all or part of an extra 21st chromosome. It is named after John Langdon Down, the British physician who described the syndrome in 1866....
唐氏综合症是人类最常见的一种染色体病,也是人类第一个被确认的染色体病。 提示:Alzheimer's, Down syndrome, brain-wasting disease People with Down syndrome often have other conditions. These include problems with their heart and with their breathing and hearing. But a lot of these conditions are trea...
唐氏综合症,蒙古症唐氏综合症或与之有关的 2. Hong Kong Down Syndrome Associatio 香港唐氏综合症协会 3. of or relating to or suffering from Down Syndrome. 唐氏综合症的或与之有关的,或患唐氏综合症的。 4. Analysis on Researching Situation of Language Development of Children with Down Syndrome; ...