1. "What would come,and he would have to meet it when it did."——《哈利波特与魔法石》 “该来得总会来,来了我们必须接受。”——《哈利波特与魔法石》 2. "Give her hell from us,Peeves."——《哈利波特与火焰杯》 “为了我们,送她下地狱吧,皮皮鬼。”——《哈利波特与火焰杯》 3. "If you...
"Call him Voldemort, Harry. Always use the proper name for things. Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself." - 就叫他伏地魔,哈利.对事物永远都使用正确的称呼.对一个名称的恐惧,会强化对这个事物本身的恐惧. "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just ...
《哈利波特》经典台词英文 《哈利波特》经典台词英文含翻译 1. 霍格沃兹正值危急时刻,守住边界,保卫我们,为学校尽你们的义务 。Hogwarts is threatened. Man the boundaries. Protect us. Do your duty to our school.——海格Hagrid 2. 你是一名巫师,哈利 。You are a wizard, Harry! 对待生物的诀窍就是要...
哈利波特 以下是一些《哈利波特》中的经典台词,以及它们的英文原文和中文翻译: 英文:For a very sober-minded people, death is just another great adventure. 中文:对于头脑十分清醒的人来说,死亡不过是另一场伟大的冒险。 英文:We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided. 中文...
哈利波特与魔法石电影英文台词 以下是《哈利波特与魔法石》电影中的一些经典台词(原文): 1. "Yer a wizard, Harry." - Hagrid 2. "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." - Albus Dumbledore 3. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." - Harry Potter 4. "There is ...
今天为大家准备了100句《哈利波特》中的经典语录,收藏好,没准以后用得上哦~ 邓布利多Professor Dumbledore 1.这块镜子不会给我们知识和真相,人们只会在它前面虚度光阴,甚至发疯,人不能活在梦里而忘记生活。 This mirror gives us neither knowledge or truth.Men have wasted away in front of it.Even gone mad...
哈利波特英文版经典台词 1. 历史上所有伟大的巫师开始的时候都跟我们现在一样,是学生,他们能做到, 我们也能 。Every great wizard in history has started out as nothing more than what we are now: students. If they can do it, why not us? 2. 你才软弱,你永远不懂爱也不懂友谊,你真可悲 。You’...
16、Every great wizard in history has started out as nothing more than what we are now, students. If they can do it, why not us? 同学们,历史中那些伟大的巫师和我们一样,一开始他们什么都不是。既然他们可以有所作为,我们为什么不能?
Mark my words, Potter.One day soon...you are going to meet the same sticky end.你父母也是爱管闲事的,记住我的话,波特 有一天 你也会跟他们一样不得好死。 25 Never try to save my life again.别再试图救我的命。 作者最新文章 《哈利波特》系列,台词推荐 一花一世界,一叶一菩提——奇花异草...