Ebook- Out of My Mind(mobi,epub,pdf格式) 听见颜色的女孩英文电子版 Download:Ligeaiyuedu.com/480.html 书名:Out of My Mind 作者:Sharon M. Draper 内容简介:Melody is not like most people. She cannot walk or talk, but she has a photographic memory; she can remember every detail of ever...
Ebook- Out of My Mind(mobi,epub,pdf格式) 听见颜色的女孩英文原版电子版 Download:Ligeaiyuedu.com/480.html 书名:Out of My Mind 作者:Sharon M. Draper 内容简介:Melody is not like most people. She cannot walk or talk, but she has a photographic memory; she can remember every detail of eve...
女孩儿美乐笛有着惊人的记忆力。她的大脑就像一台摄像机,一直不停地记录着她的日思夜想,她的耳闻目睹,她的爱,她的愁,她经历的一切。 女孩儿美乐笛是整个校园里最聪明的学生——但没人知道这一点。女孩儿美乐笛的老师、同学、医生都认为她全无学习能力。 于是,女孩儿美乐笛只能每天做同样的习题,抄同样的...