3. We should stop to get some water.
1. I am looking forward to something. 2. I am invited to the party. 2句是1句中something的內容,可以減化之後放入something的位置。2句的動詞是被動態,直接減化會成為:I am looking forward to invited to the party.過去分詞invited是形容詞,不能放在介系詞to的後面當受詞。若將invited改為名詞片語t...
To play basketball for UConnis her favorite fantasy. 不定詞可能出現在句子的開頭當主詞 (如 Ib),但更常見的情況是,不定詞做為主詞補語: Her favorite fantasy isto play basketball for UConn. 動名詞亦可扮演相同的角色: Her favorite fantasy isplaying basketball for UConn. 這兩種動詞型態亦可扮演名詞...
2.to不定詞の意味が何なのか が分かる必要があると思います。 1つ目の文では 前置詞aboutの後に形容詞healthyが来ているので 次のeatingとくっついて about healthy eating(健康的な食事について) とセットになる事がわかります。 そうすると次に動詞seemedが来るので ...
不定詞 to V 其實有表達「未來目標」的意思,所以只要跟未來打算要做的事有關,就要用不定詞。 We’re planningto visitLondon this summer. 我們打算今年夏天走訪倫敦。 其中plan 是計劃、打算的意思,跟未來有關,當然就是用不定詞 to V 囉! Advertisements ...
想請問不定詞放在形容詞後的用法 題目是 It was a sensible precaution to ___ 答案是take 解釋是主動形式,被動意義 可是to take是放在名詞後面不是嗎? 為什麼還是被動意義呢? 謝謝 网校学员LEE**在学习英语零基础直达大学六级【抢学班】时提出了此问题,已有1人帮助了TA。
不特定範圍的用法: another / others (1) Another為不特定的單數代名詞,未限制範圍,意思為「任何另外一個」。 To know is one thing, to practice isanother. 知道是一回事,去做又是另一回事。 【口說技巧】如何提高你的英語口語能力 (How to improve your English speaking skills (by yourself)) ...
Learn at your own pace, get direct feedback from an experienced teacher, and see fast progress without the pressure of a classroom. Start whenever you’re ready, and take your English skills to the next level—all from the comfort of your home! Contact me now!
She commanded him to go at once. Poverty compelled him to work. Most people consider money important. He deemed it his duty to help her. 2 如果以下列「感官動詞」為主要動詞,以其它動詞作為「受詞補語」,則此受詞補語,要用省去「不定詞」中的「to」、【不定詞進行式「to be V-ing」】中的「...
不定代名詞 Pronouns exercises What is a pronoun? SIL International 由 王力冉 翻譯自英文 ... If we say 'whose' In Dutch, we have to make a distinction between feminine and masculine owners. If we refer to property of a masculine owner we say wiens, if the owner is feminine or if ...