帮助你们对英语有一个全面的了解! 一、考试特点 1、六十分,过关型: 选拔型的考试对考生有一定比例的筛选,但是咱们同等学力考试是过关型的考试,不用和别人比,是和咱们自己比,只要能力达到60分的坎儿,就能够通过考试啦。 2、无听说、纯书写: 同等学力考试不像托福雅思,听说读写都考。虽然同等学力考试里面有口语...
同等学力英语考试 第1篇 Passage One Five or six year ago, I attended a lecture on the science of attention. A philosopher who conducts research in the medical school was talking about attention blindness, the basic feature of the human brain that, when we concentrate intensely on one task, ...
同等学力申硕英语考试试题与答案 1 练习题一 Americans usually consider themselves a friendly people. Their friendships,however,tend to be shorter and more casual than friendships among people from other cultures. It is not uncommon for Americans to have only one close friend during their lifetime,...
2023年同等学力英语考试真题及参考答案 全文共10篇示例,供读者参考 篇1 Hello everyone! Today I'm going to share with you the 2023 Equivalent Qualification English exam questions and answers. Are you ready? Let's get started! Part 1: Listening Question 1: What is the weather like today? A. ...
NO.1同等学力申硕英语考试时间 同等学力申硕英语考试时间:2024年5月19日(周日)上午9:00——11:30共150分钟,满分100。60分及格!这个考试是及格万岁的那种,只要能得60分就可以全力准备论文和答辩了。NO.2同等学力申硕英语考试题型 NO.3 同等学力英语七大题型 (一)口语交际10道题分为A、B两节:A节为...
同等学力英语考试(真题) Section A Directions:In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C, takenfrom the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue andmark your answer on the An...
翻译(英译汉):1题,共10分,20分钟 写作:1题,共15分,30分钟 2024年同等学力申硕英语考试真题及答案在考试后进行征集,请广大考生注意。 以上是关于“2024年同等学力申硕英语考试真题及答案”的相关介绍,希望大家可以更好的准备同等学力英语考试,在接下来的考试中取得更好的成绩!