史迪威日记英文版(1942年) Hoover Institution Archives: The World War II Diaries of General Joseph W. Stilwell. Copyrighted Material 2005 THURS. JAN. 1. 1942. W.C. – Geo. sent for me at 10 A.M. In there over an hour. All about the troubles in the Orient Unity of Command – mute a...
史迪威英文版日记dornhearnjan HooverInstitutionArchives:TheWorldWarIIDiariesofGeneralJosephW.Stilwell.CopyrightedMaterial2005 FRI.JAN.1,1943.Gotupto-day,tostarttheNewYearright.Calls–(RCCh’en&Shen.) Ts’eng&gang.ShangChen.Wen&Chou!etc.etc.FinallytoldMutotangchia.Sleptin P.M.WroteupstatementforT.V....