口误,又称“舌误”(slip of the tongue),广泛存在于日常语言中。它并非因发音器官错位或字词意义理解错误而导致的发音错误,而是一种说话人对其试图表达的一种偏离。那么你知道“口误”用英文怎么说?一起来学习一下常用的四个表达。1.a slip of the tongue:这是最常见的表达方式,意为“所说的与本意不一致...
a slip of the tongue 口误 slip /slɪp/ slip的意思是“滑”,通常就是指 脚滑,滑倒之类的,而当它搭配其他词语,也可以表示某个东西偏离了正确的位置,造成了某种错误,就如a slip of the tongue,就可以理解为舌头打滑,舌头没有在它本该在的位置,而导致了说话说错了。这个短语的英文解释为 a mista...
slip/slɪp/滑倒 ,tongue /tʌŋ/舌头 英文释义:something that you say by accident when you intended to say something else 这个表达相当形象,舌头打滑就会导致口误“翻车”。 例句: ①I called her new boyfriend by her previous boyfriend's name - it was just a slip of the tongue. 我叫她...
它的英文解释是:an error in speaking in which a word is pronounced incorrectly, or in which the speaker says something unintentionally. 它的中文释义是:说话中的一个错误,一个单词的发音发错了或说话者无意说了些什么。 你学会了吗? 今日例句: 1、I didn't mean to tell her the stuff. It was j...
和“口误”类似,“笔误”的英文表达是“a slip of the pen”。这个短语用来描述在书写过程中不小心写错的情况。比如: 例句: That was a slip of the pen. I meant to write September, not November. 那是一个笔误,我想要写的是9月,而不是11月。
“口误”可不是mouth wrong 正确表达:slip of the tongue slip /slɪp/ 滑倒 ,tongue /tʌŋ/ 舌头英文释义:something that you say by accident when you intended to say something else. 这个表达相当形象舌头...
这只是一时口误。 讲解 a slip of the tongue. slip可以表示滑倒,摔跤,tongue就是舌头,所以 a slip of the tongue就是口误,不小心说错了话,比如观众们爆笑,因为主持人口误了。the audience burst into laughter because of the slip of the tongue from the host.你自己不小心一时口误了,就可以说 Sorry, ...
Freudian slip的英文解释是: If someone accidentally says something that reveals their subconscious feelings, especially their sexual feelings, this is referred to as a Freudian slip . 如果有人不小心说了一些能揭示他们潜意识感受的话,特别是他们的性感受,这被称为弗洛伊德的口误 ...
“口误”在英文中用“a slip of the tongue”表示,这个短语源自slip这个词,slip在动词和名词中都表示“滑动、滑到”或“犯错、错误”的意思。因此,a slip of the tongue可以理解为“舌头滑动”,即舌头在不该在的位置时导致了说错话的情况。例如:“I called her new boyfriend by her previous ...