变形金刚英语介绍 Transformers is a popular franchise that originated in 1984, created by a collaboration between Hasbro (in the United States) and Takara (in Japan). It began as a line of action figures, but has since expanded into various media including comics, animated series, and live-...
变形金刚1英文介绍Transformers 1: Introduction Introduction Transformers, also known as“Transformers: The Movie”, is a science fiction action film released in 2007. Directed by Michael Bay and produced by Don Murphy and Tom DeSanto, this movie is the first installment in the live-action ...
英语课~~变形金刚电影英语介绍 Millionsofyearsago,oneoftheplanetsiscalledCybertron,whereatroopofrobotslived.However,theyaredividedintotwogroups:AutobotsandDecepticonsTheyareadvancedrobotswhichareintelligent.几百万年以前,一个被称为塞伯坦的行星,出现了一群机器人,他们与生俱来的被赋予了两个派别:博派和狂派。
登场的变形金刚 汽车人(Autobots) 霸天虎(Decepticons) 英文 中文 简介 英文 中文 简介 Optimus Prime 擎天柱 汽车人的总司令官 Megatron 威震天 霸天虎的首领 Bumblebee 大黄蜂 前锋侦查员 Starscream 红蜘蛛 霸天虎的二把手 Ratchet 救护车 军医兼科学家 Blackout 眩晕 袭击卡塔尔基地的直升机 Jazz 爵士 副司令官 Ba...
简介1:The Earth is caught in the middle of an intergalactic war between two races of robots, the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons, which are able to change into a variety of objects, including cars, trucks, planes and other technological creations.简介2:变形金刚(...
About 50 years ago, a ship from cyber jotham spaceship crashed the moon, initiated and u.s.s.r.opened of the space race. Time back to the beginning of the 21st century, car finally defeat decepticon invasion, then and human cooperation and common to defend the beautiful earth....
sorts of strange ideas and hallucinations . When Sam refused to give him their spokesman, to the car, as well as the whole world with serious consequences, the leader of Decepticons Megatron of resurrection, then there will be Transformers the devil in ancient history ... ...