在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“反其道而行之"翻译成 英文 所以,当我躺在医院病床上的时候, 我就想出了一个计划, 以减少类似事件的发生, 让这些报社不再这样伤害别人。 我的计划就是反其道而行之, 以我的隐私为代价。 So when I lay in my hospital bed, I thought of my plan to help reduce the chan...
2) The deed proves the man 观其行而知其人 3) obey the code of ethics 遵道而行 4) Follow the middle course 中道而行 5) Its teachings are very popular 其道盛行 6) If the ruler acts properly, the common people will obey him without being ordered to. 其身正,不令而行...
【英文】to act in a diametrically opposite way 【灯谜面】进出口;何处是归程。 【用法】连动式;作谓语;指采取同对方相反的办法行事。 中英例句 过中国政府正在反其道而行之。 But beijing is moving in the opposite direction. 与此同时,中国不仅在制裁执行方面松松垮垮,而且还反其道而行之,大幅增加中朝...
反其道而行之是汉语词汇,拼音fǎn qí dào ér xíng zhī。出自:《史记·淮阴侯列传》:“名虽为霸,实失天下心。故曰其强易弱。今大王诚能反其道,任天下武勇,何所不诛。”英文:to act in a diametrically opposite way 灯谜面:进出口;何处是归程。用法:连动式;作谓语;指采取同对...
英中对照 中英对照 英文在前 中文在前 只看英文 只看中文 第1 页:中英文本 第2 页:词语解释 International 国际 Headscarves in Turkey: Undercover 土耳其的头巾:面纱之下 The veil makes a come back. 面纱重现 As other countries move to ban Muslim head coverings, Turkey is going the opposite way....
英文翻译act in a diametrically opposite way 成语正音而,不能读作“ěr”;行,不能读作“hánɡ”。 成语辩形反:不能写作“返”。 产生年代近代 常用程度常用 反其道而行之成语接龙:反其道而行之 →之死靡他→他山攻错→错节盘根→根连株逮
英文回答: Giving up inertia thinking and going against the grain can be a transformative experience. It allows us to break free from the constraints of conventional wisdom and explore new possibilities. By challenging the status quo and embracing unconventionalideas, we can open ourselves up to a...
英文回答: It's not easy to give up our ingrained ways of thinking, but sometimes it's necessary to break free from the constraints of conventional wisdom and try a different approach. For instance, in my own life, I used to always follow the same routine every morning, from the moment ...
a每个人都有脆弱的一面,但相对我们更希望看到的是你的笑。 Each people all have frail one side, but is opposite us to hope saw is your smiling.[translate] a我希望能找到一份与自己专业相关的工作把所学知识与实践结合起来 I hoped can find one to study with own specialized correlation work the ...